Welcome to our world of Chickens

A Happy Hen is a Healthy Hen is our moto. Not only do our ‘girls’ provide us with the free-range eggs for the dog biscuits, they are an integral part life on the farm. We grow herbs and veggies for them, they grace us with wonderful chicks every spring. Barnevelders (including the ‘blue’) Welsummers and Astralorps are our main breeds. Our website is full of hints and tips, as well as products and books on offer for sale.

Why Chickens are so great

  • they provide your family with food
  • they provide natural fertiliser for your garden
  • they eat insect pests, including spiders & cockroaches
  • they eat your families food scraps (especially things that cannot be composted)

Now available “Keeping Backyard Chickens” as hard-copy or eBook

Can chickens & dogs co-habit in a backyard?

Yes! Ours do. But of course, it will depend upon your dog. All terriers (staffies, foxies etc) are a risk as they are bred to catch and kill prey. That being said, most dogs can be trained. All interactions between a new and existing pet should always be supervised regardless of breed or species. Setting up a hen run that the dog can’t access is a good way to start the introduction process.

 Chickens – the what & how:

Feeding Your Chickens

Housing Your Chickens

Health of Your Chickens







