Puppy Training

All is going well, you have taught your pup after 7 – 10 days to: walk on a lead, retrieve and come when called. When is the best time to start training your pup? As soon as you bring it home. Not training in a formal way, but in a very relaxed and happy positive form. Lead training should commence …

Dog Behavioural Problems

Here’s some helpful tips on behavioural problems in dogs. Aggression – When dogs are aggressive, it’s usually because they’re afraid or nervous. If your dog is aggressive, work with a professional trainer to learn how to teach your dog to rely on you in a healthy way. Never leave an aggressive dog alone with children or unfamiliar adults, even if …

Dogs & Children

Pets help with Stress

Less stress equals a longer life, so keep good company.  Most pet owners don’t need reminding that animals make you feel good. But there’s more to it than just feeling glad they’re around. An animal can make you healthy, and help you stay that way. Numerous studies have shown that having pets helps lower our stress levels, decrease blood pressure, …

Restraining Dogs in Cars

The Animal Welfare Act 1992 requires that dogs traveling on the back of utility vehicles and trucks be in a secured container or on a lead short enough to prevent their hind legs reaching either side of the truckbed.  We all ‘belt-up’ whenever we jump into a vehicle without giving it a second thought. Taking a child anywhere involves the …

Pet Friendly Gardens

Chickens & Ducks are excellent at cleaning up unwanted snails and bugs, altho’ they can be over-enthusiastic when it comes to turning over mulch. The days are getting longer, slowly getting warmer and I’ve had to mow twice in a fortnight. Spring is in the air! The first sign of blue sky will usually see me out in my garden. …

Pets Home Alone

Possibly the best option is to be able to leave your pet in their own environment. If taking your pet on holiday with you is not an option, then here’s a few things to consider when choosing where your pet will stay. Could someone house-sit whilst your away, looking after both your pets & your home Can your pet be …

Indoor Games for Dogs

Wintertime can offer dog owners many challenges – bitterly cold and sopping wet days aren’t always that appealing to be out there with your dog. But with a bit of creativity, you can do a lot of fun exercises indoors, giving them the exercise they need to stay mentally and physically healthy. Here’s some simple and fun indoor games that …

Destructive Behaviour

A bored dog can be an unhappy, destructive force. We all know that dogs are social creatures who want to be with you every minute of the day. If they’re left alone for too long and become bored, the result can be destructive behaviour such as excessive barking, digging, or chewing. High energy dogs (such as sporting dogs) are especially …

Adding a Second Dog

Before you add a second dog into your family, there’s a few questions that need to be addressed. Is it the right time? Will it change your current dogs behaviour, or your dogs relationship with you and your family? A puppy or an adult rescue dog? Same breed – different gender? If it doesn’t work out – will you be …