Spirulina and Chlorella for Dogs

Spirulina and Chlorella – a superfood for Dogs

Spirulina and Chlorella are both fresh water algaes that are high in healing and antioxidant properties. Both include large amounts of vitamins, minerals and many other very beneficial nutrients.

Some of the benefits for dogs include:
• Improves Immune Response
• Healthier and Shinier Fur and Skin
• Eliminates Toxins from the Body
• Acts against bad breath

Spirulina is an algae that is 60% digestible vegetable protein. It contains high levels of essential fatty acids, particularly GLA (an omega-6 fatty acid with anti-inflammatory properties) and full of antioxidants like vitamins E and C. It is also rich in B vitamins (altho it does not contain B12), high in beta carotene, iron, various other minerals. Studies on animals have shown that spirulina can help reduce allergy symptoms, strengthen the immune system, improve gastrointestinal health, aid detoxification, and reduce the rate of cancer.

If you’re looking for a supplement to revitalise your older dog, or even just to keep you dog’s health in check, these two supplements should be at the top of your list.

Chlorella is type of single cell algae harvested from fresh water commonly used as a nutritional supplements. It’s a microscopic algae with an intense green colour, thanks to its photosynthetic pigments. Chlorella is not only beneficial to human beings, but also for dogs as a natural remedy for a variety of health problems in dogs including arthritis, low energy and overexposure to heavy metals. This tiny alga contains a high proportion of protein, essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. It’s considered to be a superfood and its cleansing properties are becoming more and more renowned.

Try giving your dog Spirulina/Chlorella as part of his daily supplementation and you might notice a shinier, more lustrous coat, fresher breath and better overall physical condition.

1. Improves immune response
The components of this alga strengthen an organism’s immune system. In other words, it allows a dog’s body to better defend itself from viruses, bacterias, and fungi. What’s more, Chlorella is highly effective when it comes to the assimilation of nutrients and improved gastrointestinal health. Finally, thanks to its high natural antioxidant content, Chlorella also delays the ageing of cells.

2. Healthier and shinier hair and skin
In order to keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy, certain vitamins are necessary. This brings us to another one of the greatest benefits of Chlorella for dogs. This alga contains a hefty portion of vitamin A, vitamin C, and minerals that help hair and skin.
The species Chlorella Vulgaris helps synthesize collagen, which is fundamental in the production of new hair and the regeneration of skin. Therefore, Chlorella is especially beneficial in cases or dermatitis.

3. Cleansing effects: The elimination of toxins from the body
Among the benefits of Chlorella for dogs are its cleansing abilities. Chlorella eliminates toxins by removing heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and mercury from the liver, intestines, and blood. It brings the metals together and then eliminates them from the body through a process known as the chelation of metals.

The chelating effect of Chlorella also makes it helpful against fertility. This is because toxicity from heavy metals in a dog’s diet can influence reproduction. For example, these toxins can affect sperm quality in male dogs.

How Much Should I Give My Dog?
Start with a small amounts and increase the amount as needed. Watch your dog for side effects whenever you introduce a new supplement.
• Cats – 1/4 tsp
• Small Dogs – 1/2 tsp
• Medium Dogs – 1 tsp
• Large Dogs – 1/2 tbsp
• XL Dogs – 1 tbspn

The use of algae is common in animal diets. Spirulina and Chlorella are all commercialised as nutritional supplements for animals – including dogs, cats, ornamental birds, aquarium fish, horses, cows, and reproductive cows.

To be safe, do not give spirulina to dogs with a history of liver disease.

As with other supplements, you should check with your vet before adding Spirulina/Chlorella to your pet’s diet. Toxicity resulting from excess algae in a dog’s diets is infrequent, but it’s still important to be careful.